Category: Discover

How to Travel Out Of India With Your Pets

Public transportation means such as air-crafts and trains are not suited for animals. If you are planning to go out...


These Human Foods Can Poison Your Pet Bird

Just because birds are social creatures, most people assume they can consume anything that humans partake.  Given that birds belong...


Ultimate Training Guide for First Time Dog Owners

Modifying your dog’s behaviour to have them do activities that you show them as proper and stop them from engaging...


Pain Medication for Dogs, How to Administer Safely

Your dog could have hurt its paw or got injured while playing. It is therefore not a surprise that, pet...


How to Recognize the Warning Signs of Dog Depression

Whenever changes happen in people’s lives, people undergo emotional stress and try to adapt to the change. In some cases,...


6 Interesting Facts About Your Hamster

Are you ready to read the most adorable facts about these little creatures? The following is rated as TDC. (Too...


Here’s How to Introduce a New Cat to Your Old One At Home

There may come a time when you are faced with the challenge of having to introduce a new cat to...


How To Enjoy Vacation With Your Pet

Imagine taking a relaxed walk on the beach as your furry best friend occasionally runs around you to catch up...


Rabbits and Their Social Structure

Rabbits just like other animals operate within a particular hierarchy that is key to maintaining peace and order in a...
