Category: Discover

How Much Food Should You Feed Your Fish

The amount of food you give your fish is important. That being said, do not overfeed the animal. You have...


How To Avoid Cat-Scratches

Your furniture and your nerves are in shreds. Scolding your cat will not help with them scratching furniture or you,...


5 Unbelievably Cool Things Birds Can Do!

Don’t be fooled at the constant chirping of those little birds. They’re smarter than you and a possibility lies that...


6 Restaurants in Mumbai That Allow Dogs

We know you love your dog. We know you can’t stand to leave home without taking them with you wherever...


7 Tips for a Road Trip With Your Dog

Ready for some summer adventure with your furry friend? Before you get going, take a look at 7 tips that’ll...


5 Tips To Brighten Up Your Cats Dull Day

Is your cat always sleeping or sitting in a lone corner? Here are some quick tips that’ll make their day...


How to Make Your Pet Feel More Affectionate Towards You

If you’re wondering what the secret behind a pet who will love you unconditionally is, we have it decoded for...


8 Smartest Dog Breeds In The World

Your dog might be intelligent, but he could be the least trainable dog there is. Intelligence in dogs, like in...


Why Do Geckos Make Good Pets?

Geckos are interesting little creatures. They come in all sizes and even colours. To decode that fancy name, geckos are...
