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How To Maintain Your Pets Hygiene

Posted on July 13, 2016

If you’ve recently adopted a pet, you should know that looking after their health is a big responsibility. Regular inspection at the vet’s clinic, healthy meals, and grooming sessions are a necessity! We’ve listed five very important steps to a good hygiene.

1. Cleaning their litter

It’s imperative to clean your pet’s litter box every day. It has a very foul odour and needs to be cleaned and if possible, fragranced daily. If their litter box is always dirty and seldom cleaned, your pet can get depressed easily. It’s the number one rule of maintaining their hygiene.

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2. Deworm them

Veterinary clinics schedule deworming sessions for animals from the first day itself. It’s important to deworm them on specific dates so a health timeline is maintained. It’s not a time-consuming, expensive procedure.

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3. Groom them

Pet owners wrongly assume grooming sessions are for pampering and spoiling their pets. These sessions are necessary for your pets personality and for them to realise that you love them. They need to be taken care of and their fur needs care too!

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4. Give them a regular bath

Most animals lick themselves to keep clean, but a daily wash is imperative. It helps them get rid of fleas, bugs and feel fresh.

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 5. Cut their nails

This works for both of you. If your pet gets aggressive and tends to scratch, keeping their nails cut and clean will leave them to no option but to end that habit.

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There are other things you can do to ensure good hygiene like keeping surfaces clean, including healthy ingredients for their diet and keeping them as active as possible with interactive games.

Not just that, you can create your own list for your pet’s hygiene and follow it!