Choosing The Right Pet Bird From So Many Options image

Choosing The Right Pet Bird From So Many Options

Posted on July 12, 2016

Birds come in different varieties, sizes and personalities to what many people have come to expect of pets.  Choosing the best bird to keep as a pet is important if one is to have the ultimate happiness while maintaining the well-being of the bird.

Do Your Research

Choosing The Right Pet Bird From So Many Options imageAway from animals, birds make some of the best pets given that they require little handling or attention. Pets come in different sizes which most of the time determine their lifespan. It would be wise, first to ascertain whether you want a pet bird for the long time or it is just a short-term undertaking. Large birds tend to live for decades while small birds can last up to two years.


Space for a Cage

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Big pet birds will always require one to have a huge space in the surrounding to accommodate their cage. The larger the bird, the larger the cage will have to be to facilitate ease of movement in and out. Keeping a pet bird locked in a cage full time is the last thing one should do given that the same could have a catastrophic impact on their health.

Ascertain Your End Goal with a Pet Bird

In an area where variety is endless, determining what you want from a pet bird is important before adopting one.  Parrots make the best pet birds for people who want something they can interact with. Unlike other creatures, parrots can be taught to speak thus making them interesting and exciting creatures to hang around.

Chickens, on the other hand, make the best pet birds for people who want something in return in terms of value. Given that this type of bird can produce eggs that can be sold or left to hatch, they can act as an investment while serving the purpose of a pet.

Ducks and geese are some of the other pet birds that work for some people but not others. Given that, they tend to be messy; in some places, they are illegal.

Choose something You Can Handle

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It is important for one to adopt a pet bird that can be friendly and easy to interact with. Going for something like an ostrich or emus might backfire given that they are dinosaurs, pretending to be birds. However if you are a professional with enough space in the yard adopting such types of birds should be a no brainer.

Bottom Line

Choosing the right type pet bird will most of the time come down to what one wants and likes as well as space cage available.  Pet birds come in different sizes, shapes and colours which any wannabe per bird owner will  also have to give a clear thought before making a choice.