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10 Things Dogs Do When They Are Home Alone

Posted on July 13, 2016

If they’re so mischievous when you’re around them, what happens when you’re not?

1. Make your bed theirs.

They’ll sleep everywhere you don’t let them. Your bed, your favourite couch, the rug outside your hallway, even the kitchen table.

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2. Hide that one shoe

Every dog has their favourite toy, and the greatest one just happens to be your favourite pair of shoes. They always manage to hide them, and when you’re not around, they take this opportunity to hide it somewhere no one can help you find it.

If it’s gone, it’s gone.

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3. Make a mess.

Oh you know, the obvious.

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4. Go for a swim

Humans who thought they’re the only one feeling the heat, you were wrong.

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5. Exercise

Because they want to stay fit. Like you.

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6. Learn to read

Because knowledge is everything!

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7. Clean the yard

Just so you can give them a treat when you’re home again.

8. Play Guitar

Because we all know who’s better.

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9. Make presentations

So that office work doesn’t stress you anymore.

10. Make you a sandwich

And they’ll even make you a sandwich for when you’re back home!

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And when you’re home, they’re the happiest to see you.