Which Fish to Consider If You’re Looking for a No-fuss Tank

Which Fish to Consider If You’re Looking for a No-fuss Tank

Posted on July 13, 2016

Fish are often considered the “introductory” pet for people who are looking for less of a commitment — unless you realise that fish can be pretty difficult to care for, let alone keep alive. Some species require more care than others and they aren’t the fish you need if you’re looking for something easy.

Here are four types of fishes that basically anyone can care for. (And keep alive)

1. Bettas

The easiest and most popular starter fish is the Betta. They’re the only kind of fish that don’t require a filter or heater and can be kept in small bowls instead of large tanks. The only thing you’ll face with these is a 25 percent water change once a week.

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2. Tetras

Tetras are the perfect beginner fish. They are bright, colourful and very active, so they’re a lot of fun to watch. They’re also small, which means you can have several even if you have a smaller tank.

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3. Guppies

Guppies are fish that brighten any tank with their beauty. These fish have large, brilliantly coloured dorsal fins and are easy to keep. The male fish have brighter colours and bigger fins, making it easy to tell the genders apart.

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4. Angelfish

They are community fish and can live with other tropical community fish quite peacefully. They do grow up to 6 inches in length, though, so they shouldn’t be kept in a tank that’s less than 20 gallons.

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